Food Maxx Update
/in UFCW5The Local 5 Bargaining Committee met with representatives of Food Maxx today, October 12, 2017. Also present were representatives of the International Union. The representatives of Food Maxx did make some incremental improvements to their Last, Best and Final offer and requested Local 5 re-vote the offer. Local5 believes the negligible improvements would not impact the outcome of the 93% rejection and refused to re-vote Local 5 members until the company gets serious over fair and equitable compensation for all the hard work Food Maxx employees have invested in their company.
Food Maxx is continuing to insist on the major concessions in their Last, Best and Final offer from last January which included elimination of premium pay for holidays, Sundays, significant increases in employee’s health care and wage increases that increasingly leave behind their employee’s ability to make ends meet in the ultra-expensive Bay County Area.
Local 5 left open the prospect for Food Maxx to reconsider their inadequate offer and to avoid a potential labor dispute. The UFCW International Regional Representative has recommended strike sanction. Please access the Local 5 website for further updates.
Northern California Fires
/in UFCW5Local 5 has approved tens of thousands of dollars to members that have been displaced by the Northern California fires. If members have been impacted by the fires raging in the aforementioned areas please contact your Union Representative and monetary assistance will be expedited as quickly as possible.
About UFCW5
Member Services
UFCW5 Headquarters
28870 Mission Blvd.
Hayward, CA 94544
(510) 889-0870
Hours: 8am-5pm