CVS Bargaining Update 7.12.24

Workers DEMANDING RESPECT at the table and at the stores in coordinated actions across the state

This week, our Bargaining Committee met again with CVS to negotiate the contract we deserve. We want a contract that reflects the essential work we do, that helped contribute to CVS’ 11 BILLION dollars in profits last year. We continue to demand respect, but CVS is still playing games and refusing to discuss key issues such as affordable health care.

CVS is one of the most profitable healthcare companies in the country, yet they refuse to negotiate a low-cost healthcare proposal for their employees.

Since day one of bargaining, we gave CVS a comprehensive contract proposal that covered everything – wages, benefits, health care and all language items. Meanwhile, CVS has refused to engage in any meaningful way on our proposals.

What’s Next?

Actions are happening now across the state – get involved.

This week, we stood in solidarity and led store delegations to deliver signed petitions to management, emphasizing the importance of fair pay, benefits, safe staffing levels, and affordable healthcare. We also engaged with customers who support our fight for safe staffing levels and safer pharmacies.

We have more bargaining dates scheduled for August 7, 26, 27, and 28, but we’re not going to make progress in bargaining until we show the company how serious we are about our bargaining proposals.

We are planning more actions, more delegations, and continuing to send the message to the company at the stores, at the table, and on social media that we DEMAND RESPECT.

We will continue to push for the contract we deserve. As always, if you have any questions about bargaining or if there is anything we can help you with, please do not hesitate to reach out to your Steward, Union Rep, or Bargaining Committee Member.

In Solidarity,

Your UFCW CVS Bargaining Committee