CVS Bargaining Update #3

Yesterday we concluded our bargaining session with CVS in Hayward, where the company gave us an insulting wage proposal and disrespected us at the table, calling us “unreasonable” for demanding a living wage.

Let us be clear: CVS’ insulting offers and disrespectful treatment will not be tolerated at the table or in the stores.

CVS is a billion dollar company – one of the most profitable in the country – and pays their CEO an exorbitant salary of over $21 million a year –  while we endure near-poverty wages, inadequately expensive healthcare (which is ironic since they are a healthcare company), and unsafe staffing levels that risk our lives on the job.

This week, we’re out in the stores doing delegations and delivering petitions to managers, demanding a fair contract that respects our essential work and provides us with the wages and benefits that reflect our vital healthcare role and the staffing and store safety required to improve customers’ shopping experience.

Today, we’re showing up and showing out for what we deserve, rallying across the state with hundreds of our union siblings at 11 am in Whittier, CA, and San Jose, CA, to show a united force of solidarity and strength. We’ll get loud to demand a fair contract that delivers us safe staffing levels and the wages and health benefits needed to raise healthy families. 

If you haven’t already, make a plan to attend and RSVP here:


San Jose: 

When the company sees us showing up to rallies, signing petitions, and engaging in bargaining, they’ll know that we are standing strong for a fair contract.

Our contract expires on June 30, and we’re ready to do what it takes to reach a Tentative Agreement by then.

We return to the bargaining table next week on Tuesday, June 25, and we will continue to push for productive and respectful bargaining sessions that will allow us to negotiate for the contract we deserve. We will not tolerate anything less.

As always, if you have any questions about bargaining or if there is anything we can help you with, please do not hesitate to reach out to your Steward, Union Rep, or Bargaining Committee Member.

In Solidarity,

Your UFCW CVS Bargaining Committee