Lucky UFCW Local 5 Grocery Negotiations 2021 Member Survey

Dear Lucky’s Member:

Your current collective bargaining agreement expires on October 9, 2021 and based on recent experience; we think these negotiations are going to be very challenging. To be sure this contract addresses your concerns we need to begin preparing early. We are working to create an action plan for these negotiations and member involvement will be a fundamental part of this plan. Your support and unity in the next several months are more important than ever. Lucky’s management will be evaluating your strength and resolve as they prepare for negotiations and our ability to obtain a fair and equitable contract is dependent on your solidarity and participation.

Please take the time to fill out this questionnaire online below as it will help your union bargaining committee prepare for these negotiations. If you are unable to complete online, please use this survey and give to your union representative, steward, or return to the local union. All surveys will be read and tabulated and your comments are very important to us.

We will keep you informed as our campaign progresses in the stores, in the community and at the bargaining table through text messages, mailings, our web page, and your union representatives.

Sincerely and fraternally,

John Nunes
