CVS Rally on June 22 in San Jose – RSVP Now!

We are rallying on Saturday, June 22, at 11 am in San Jose, Ca, to show a united force of solidarity and strength so they know we are not going to accept anything less than what we deserve. Make a plan to attend and RSVP here:

San Jose:

Your Stewards, Union Reps, and Bargaining Committee members have also been circulating a petition in every one of our stores. Thousands of us have already signed, but if you haven’t had the chance, now is the time to make sure your voice is heard.

When the company sees us showing up to rallies, signing petitions, and engaging in bargaining, they’ll know that we are standing strong for a fair contract.

We will continue to push for productive bargaining sessions that will allow us to negotiate for the contract we deserve. As always, if you have any questions about bargaining or if there is anything we can help you with, please do not hesitate to reach out to your Steward, Union Rep, or Bargaining Committee Member.